Foire aux questions
To place an order, you must create an account.
Thus, we can offer you a totally personalized shopping experience.
You can however navigate to without creating an account.
To cancel an order, sign in or sign in to your account,
go to the cart and click Cancel Order in the section that summarizes the order.
If the change deadline has passed or if you need help,
contact Customer Service.
The minimum amount to place an order is CAD 35.
If you can not place your order, check that the minimum amount has been reached.
To activate it you must log in to your account, Click on "Account Information".
Then click on Profile > Notifications > "Send me an email confirmation for a login attempt".
And finally save the changes.
Send us an email at,
Write to us or call us on the Contact Us page: page
We will make sure to answer any questions or concerns.
When you send us an email,
accurately describe your question or problem and indicate,
when needed, which browser and operating system you use.
Une autre question ?
Si vous avez d'autres questions, Envoyez nous un message et nous vous répondrons dès possible.